This method is normally responsible for controlling connection access to the XPC service. If we open this binary file with Hopper (or any other disassembler), we can start our investigation with the shouldAcceptNewConnection: method. We’ll remove the cache from the Finder and restart the Mac. This is a highly unusual location, as similar services are normally installed under the /Library/PrivilegedHelperTools/ directory. It contains a Mach service name, with the executable path /Applications/MicrosoftTeams.app/Contents/TeamsUpdaterDaemon.xpc/Contents/MacOS/TeamsUpdaterDaemon. Listing 1 – Microsoft Teams Updater launchd file Applications/Microsoft Teams.app/Contents/TeamsUpdaterDaemon.xpc/Contents/MacOS/TeamsUpdaterDaemon % sudo plutil -convert xml1 /Library/LaunchDaemons/.plist -o. The XPC service is launched via the /Library/LaunchDaemons/.plist file.
This blog post shares the details of a vulnerability Offensive Security discovered in the XPC service of Microsoft Teams.

Security Operations for Beginners (SOC-100).Exploit Development Prerequisites (EXP-100).I get that I am using a Microsoft App on MacOS, but for those that need or want to run MacOS, surely there is more stability available? I wouldn't mind but I can't even run it in Safari (Even though all the other webApps from Microsoft work fine in Safari). You click a meeting from the OWA calendar using Safari, this opens up in another tab and asks to open the "Microsoft Teams App", it opens the app in the meeting, you confirm your options and then click join and it just stays on connecting, I can't really say it hangs because the "." moves after the word connecting but it does not connect. When using it in the browser as a backup, it uses a significant amount of resources (for context, I have an M1 Pro 14" MacBook Pro, and I notice it) You open a team up and even though you have he relevant permissions to view parts of the team (confirmed with logging in on the browser and having access), it will tell a user they do not have permission to access it. This happens more if screen sharing but can happen even when we are just in a meeting.

Freezing during meetings - The teams app will just freeze and then it will close. Unable to sync right now - This stops the calendar module working. We as a company are having repeated issues over many users with the Microsoft Teams app for MacOS.