Go to RobTop Games page carrying all the information related to this game, including the download option. Simply type the address on your bowser’s search bar and it will show you different sites that offer free downloads. In most cases, the link doesn’t work directly but don’t worry. Simply use this IPA address to download the game on your PC for free: While AppStore doesn’t have this game for Mac, you can still download Geometry Dash on Mac. If you want a lighter version, there’s Geometry Dash Lite with 72.5Mb space. Geometry dash download requires iOS 8.0 and above. To download geometry dash on your iPad or iPhone, you need a space of 97Mb and the right compatibility. you can try Geometry Dash’s practice mode and prepare yourself for more near-impossible challenges. As you move up game levels you’ll find new icons and colors to develop your character. It lets you build customized levels through the level editor. This rhythm-based action game offers a never-ending variety of seemingly impossible challenges and each level has its unique soundtrack.

While moving through dangerous passages and spiky challenges won’t be too easy, you’ll be playing the game for hours. As you proceed to the new levels, obviously, your jump fly skills will be tested to extreme limits. You’re supposed to fly and flip your way out of the danger. This intriguing game offers near impossible tasks and spiky obstacles. Geometry dash is a rhythm-based action platformer that is, according to some users, so ‘Frustratingly Wonderful’ that you’ll leave it in hair-tearing frustration, but will “come back for more”. It is the creation of RobTop Games AB and currently ranks #3 in the music category on AppStore.

Seeming like a fun little game, geometry dash can have you tear your hairs apart in no time.